Neoplatonic & Gnostic Studies
[2017 August]
Allen, Michael J.B. Icastes: Ficino on Plato's Sophist. Berkeley: UCal Press. 1989.
Apuleius. God of Socrates. Gillette NJ. Heptangle Boks, 1993.
Bidez, Joseph. Julian der Abtrunnige. Munchen. Verlag Hermann Rinn.
Bidez, Joseph. Kaiser Julian der Untergang der Heidnischen Welt. Hamburg. Rowohlt Hamburg. 1956. 1930.
Bigger, Charles P. Participation, a Platonic Inquiry. Baton Rouge. Louisiana St UP. 1968.
Bonner, Anthony & Eve. Doctor Illuminatus, Ramon Llull Reader. Princeton. PUP. 1993. 1986.
Bowersock, G.W. Julian the Apostate. Camb MA. Harvard UP. 1997. 1978.
Bregman, Jay. Synesius of Cyrene.
Bussell, F.W. The School of Plato.
Cassirer, Kristeller, & Randall. Renaissance Philosophy of Man. Chicago. U Chicago Press, Phoenix Books. 1967. 1948.
Chambers, John D. Divine Pymander & Other Writings of Hermes Trismeg. NY. Samuel Weiser. 1982. 1975.
Chuvin. A Chronicle of the Last Pagans.
Conybeare, F.C. Origins of Christianity. Evanston & NY. University Books. 1958.
Couliano, Ioan P.. Tree of Gnosis. . Harper Collins. 1990.
D’Olivet, Fabre. Thee Golden Verses of Pythagora.
De Gaetano, Armand L. Giambattista Gelli & the Florentine Academy. Firenze. Leo S. Olschki Editore. 1976.
Dodds, E.R. Les Sources de Plotin. Geneve. Fondation Hardt. 1960
Dodds, E.R. Proclus, The Elements of Theology. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1992. 1963
Ficino, Marsilio. Platonic Theology, vol. 1 (Bks 1-4). Camb MA. Harvard / I Tatti. 2001.
Ficino, Marsilio. Three Books on Life, ed. Clark & Kaske. Tempe AZ. MRTS. 1998. 1989.
Filoramo, Giovanni. A History of Gnosticism. Basil Blackwell. 1990.
Finamore, John F.. Iamblichus and the Theory of the Vehicle of the Soul. Chico CA. Scholars Press. 1985.
Fox, Robin Lane. Pagans and Christians. Harper & Row. 1986.
Fritz, Kurt von. Pythagorean Politics in Soouthern Italy. NY. Octagon. 1977. 1940.
Gardner, Alice. Julian. NY. AMS/Putnam's. 1978. 1895.
Gelli. La Circe.
Good, Dierdre Joy. Reconstructing the Tradition of Sophia. Atlanta. Scholars Press. 1987.
Gorman. Pythagoras.
Greer, Rowan A.,trans.. Origen (Classics of Western Spirituality). NY. Paulist Press. 1979.
Grube, trans.. Plato. Republic.
Guthrie, Kenneth. Neoplatonic Writings of Numenius. Lawrence KS. Selene Books. 1987.
Hall, Manly P.. Mystics and Mysteries of Alexandria.
Hankins, James, ed. Festivum Supplementum - Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Binghamton NY. MRTS. 1987.
Hoffmann, Joseph R., ed. Porphyry's Against the Christians. Amherst NY. Prometheus Books. 1994.
Iamblichus. On the Pythagorean Life, Gillian Clark trans.. Liverpool. Liverpool UP. 1989.
Jayne, Sears Reynolds. Marsilio Ficino's Commentary on Plato's Symposium. Columbia MO. University of Missouri. 1944.
Jonas, Hans. Gnostic Religion, The. Boston. Beacon Press. 1958.
Julian. Julian, Vol. 1. Heinemann.
Julian. Julian, Vol. 3. Camb MA. Harvard Loeb.
Klibansky, Raymond. Continuity o/t Platonic Tradition During the Middle Ages. London. Warburg Institute. 1950. 1939.
Klimkeit, Hans-Joachim. Gnosis on the Silk Road. Harper San Franciso. 1993.
Kristeller, Paul Oskar. Philosophy of Marsilio Ficino, The. NY. Columbia UP. 1943.
MacConll. Dioscorus of Aphrodito.
Macrobe. Saturnalia.
Marinos of Neapolis. Extant Works, A.N. Oikonomides, trans.. Chicago. Ares Press. 1977.
Marinus of Samaria. Life of Proclus, and Five Hymns of Proclus. Grand Rapids. Phanes Press. 1986.
Masai, Francois. Plethon et le Platonisme de Mistra. Paris. Les Belles Lettres. 1956.
Mead, G.R.S. Pistis Sophia.
Mead, G.R.S. Chaldean Oracles. . Kessinger.
Mead, G.R.S. Thrice-Greatest Hermes, v. 2. London. John M. Watkins. 1949.
Mead, G.R.S. Thrice-Greatest Hermes, v. 2. London. John M. Watkins. 1949.
Mead, G.R.S.. Fragments of a Faith Forgotten. NY. University Books. 1960.
Meyendorff, John. A Study of Gregory Palamas, 2d Ed. Bedfordshire. Faith Pr/St Vladimir's Seminary Pr. 1964. 1959.
Meyer, Marvin W., trans.. Secret Teachings of Jesus. NY. Random House. 1984.
Mystery Religion.
Navon, Robert, ed. Pythagorean Writings.. 1st-3rd Cent. BC. Kew Gardens NY. Selene Books. 1986.
Oates, Whitney J. Stoic and Epicurean Philosophers. NY. Random House. 1940.
Obolensky, Dmitri. Bogomils... Balkan Neo-Manichaeism. Twickenham. Anthony C. Hall. 1972. 1948
O'Brien, Elmer, S.J. Essential Plotinus. Indianapolis IN. Hackett Publishing Co.. 1980. 1964.
Oldenbourg, Zoe. Massacre at Montsegur. NY ?. Minerva Press. 1968. 1959
Oldenbourg, Zoe. Massacre at Montsegur. NY. Random House, Pantheon Books. 1962. 1959
O'Meara, Dominic. Pythagoras Revisited. Oxford. Oxford/Clarendon. 1997. 1989.
Origen. Writings of Origen II, Contra Celsum. Edinburgh. T&T Clark. 1872.
Parsons, Edward Alexander. The Alexandrian Library. Elsevier. 1952.
Plato & Taylor. Works of Plato, Vol. V. 1804. NY & London. Garland Publishing. 1984.
Plotinus. Select Works of Plotinus. . .
Porphyry. On Aristotle's Categories, S.K. Strange trans.. Ithaca. Cornell UP. 1992.
Porphyry. On the Cave of the Nymphs, trans Thos. Taylor. Grand Rapids MI. Phanes Press. 1991.
Proclus & Taylor. Lost Fragments of Proclus. San Diego. Wizard's Bookshelf. 1988.
Proclus & Taylor. Platonic Theology, Vol 1 only. Albuquerque NM. Selene Books. 1993. 1985.
Proclus. Ten Doubts Concerning Providence, etc.. Chicago. Ares Publishers. 1980. 1833.
Raine, Kathleen, ed.. Thomas Taylor the Platonist. Princeton NJ. PUP/Bollingen #88. 1969.
Robinson, James M.. Nag Hammadi Library. San Francisco. Harper & Row. 1981. 1977
Rudolph, Kurt. Gnosis, The Nature and History of Gnosticism. Harper & Row. 1977. 1987
Salutati, Coluccio. De Laboribus Herculis, ed. B.L. Ullman. Zurich. Thesaurus Mundi. 1951.
Sanjian, Avedis K.. David Anhaght, the 'Invincible' Philosopher. Atlanta GA. Scholars Press. 1986.
Scott, Walter, ed.. Hermetica: Intro, Texts & Trans., Vol. 1. Boston. Shambhala. 1985.
Secret Doctrine Ref. Series. Virgin of the World, Kingsford & Maitland trans.. San Diego. Wizards Bookshelf. 1987. 1977.
Shaw, Gregory. Theurgy &th Soul, N-P of Iamblichus. University Park. Penn State UP. 1995.
Soble, Alan. Eros, Agape and Philia. Paragon House. 1989.
Stanley, Thomas & Manly P. Hall ed.. Pythagoras, His Life & Teachings. LA. PRS 2d printing. . 1970.
Stanley, Thomas. Chaldaean Oracles.
Taylor, Thomas. 05 - Hymns and Initiations. Frome, Somerset: Prometheus Trust, 1994.
Taylor, Thomas. 06 - Dissertations of Maximus Tyrius. Frome, Somerset: Prometheus Trust, 1995.
Taylor, Thomas. 07 - Oracles and Mysteries. Frome, Somerset. Prometheus Trust. 1994.
Taylor, Thomas. 08 - Proclus' Theology of Plato. Frome, Somerset: Prometheus Trust. 1995.
Taylor, Thomas. 16 - Proclus on Plato's Timaeus 2. Frome, Somerset: Prometheus Trust.
Taylor, Thomas. 17 - Iamblichus' Collected Works, Thos Taylor. Frome, Somerset: Prometheus Trust, 1999.
Taylor, Thomas. 01 - Proclus' Elements of Theology, rev.ed.. Frome, Somerset. Prometheus Trust. 1998. 1994.
Taylor, Thomas. 02 - Select Works of Porphyry. Frome, Somerset: Prometheus Trust. 1994.
Taylor, Thomas. 04 - Collected Writings of the Gods & of the World. Frome, Somerset: Prometheus Trust, 1994.
Wallis, Richard T. . Neoplatonism. NY. Charles Scribner's Sons. 1972.
Wallis, Richard T., ed.. Neoplatonism and Gnosticism. Albany. SUNY Albany. 1992.
Wallis, Richard T.. Neoplatonism, 2nd Edition. Indianapolis. Hackett Pubg Co.. 1995. 1972.
Whittaker, Thomas. Neo-Platonists, 2nd Ed.. Freeport NY. Books for Libraries Press. 1970. 1918.
Zervos, Christian. Un Philosophe neoplatonicien du XIe siecle: Psellos. NY. Burt Franklin. 1973. 1920.